Wassailing 10th January from 3 pm (dusk) in the Orchard (next to Community Garden)
Bless the orchard with the cider produced at this year’s Apple Day,. We will see the return of the musicians who were so popular last year, leading the communal singing. We will be blessing the orchard with cider from October’s Apple day using a special Wassailing cup – made by Peter Noy, one of our trustee, s from wood form an old tree removed from the orchard prior to planting new trees. Flyer
Streatham Common Community Garden AGM
11th January 7 for 7.15pm at The Railway SW16
The business to be conducted will be
Chair’s report
Receipt of Annual Report (click to download report)
Adoption of Accounts
This year 2 trustees are required to stand for re-election :
John Rhodes and Kasia Brookes
Nominations will also be taken from any members wishing to become trustees.
Any Other Competent business
Only members are entitled to vote, membership will be due for renewal shortly after the meeting. Membership forms available here
After the meeting Charlotte Dove our Community Gardener in 2015 will talk about her Seed Saving trip to America.
Don’t forget:
Next open garden session after Wassailing – 24th January. We will not be open on Wednesdays in January.